Hello 👋 I’m Craig Constantine.

You talk with others every day, but how often do you intentionally practice the art of conversation? By sharing my thinking, I hope to ignite your passion for creating your own great conversations.

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  • Is understanding even necessary?

    When it comes, this will be the fourth message received from Alsafi in my lifetime. Few have timed their career so fortuitously. The first came when I was a child. The second came just weeks after I joined the Intercivilizational Observatory’s San Francisco office, and I wormed my way onto the analysis team. The third… More →

  • Forward

    Which way are you choosing to look? And this is where the potential contribution of people who are quiet disrupters comes into its own, positively. We need their curiosity, their creativity and their convictions if we are to navigate forward well. And in the process, they will help reshape our culture, the way we do… More →

  • Thinking together

    Thinking together

    What if thinking could be done with others? The theory of dialog suggests that these situations reflect a series of problems in how we think, for we have learned to think alone. And what I mean here by “thinking” involves the whole of us—our emotions, our ways of feeling in the body, our ideas, and… More →


Open + Curious is about discovering what better means for your conversations.

I believe great conversations are built upon true listening and genuine curiosity.

There are countless traditions which describe the idea of speaking reality into being. Open + Curious is my perspective on how to do that. How can our thoughts shape our words and communication? And how can our communication shape our lives through our experience of conversation?

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