Stop asking sense

Weird questions point to what’s interesting

If what we seek is an exchange of ideas, then weird questions are better than clear questions.

A great conversation isn’t us taking a test, with our conversation partner grading our thinking. We’re not trying to show our work. We shouldn’t be seeking affirmation.

Asking weird questions of our partners is fine. We’re simply saying: I think this idea is interesting. What do you think?

Mr. Richter, what color is your music?

~ Emma Robertson from,

Questions do not need to make sense! They can be Robertson’s sort of weird. They can be difficult to the point of making our partners wonder what we’re thinking.

Everyone’s mind easily spots what is most interesting to each of us. If what we seek is an exchange of ideas, then weird questions are better than clear questions.

In your next conversation, can you ask the weird question that you’d normally keep to yourself?

