Note: Early in 2024, Jesse Danger and I explored creating a podcast of conversations exploring aspects of… well, conversation itself. We did 7 episodes, which are published in the Open + Curious podcast as season 2.

Are you looking for ways to bring conversation alive? Then you are in the right place.

Welcome to Open + Curious.

In each 15-minute episode we begin with a question, and work our way to a challenge. Some questions we explore have clear answers, and some lead to more questions and further unknowns. The challenge we seek to find, at the end of each episode, is meant to help you explore each question on your own.

Many of the things that Craig and I are talking about are things that we read in books that we’ve talked about a bunch beforehand that we’ve gone to classes to and really thought about, and we’re trying to figure out how to distill that into a powerful, evocative, 15 minute soundbite.

~ Jesse Danger

I think Open + Curious for me is about trying to share my passion. I’m really hoping that people get drawn into the audio, and that that makes them think, and then maybe that makes them ask more questions of us and other people.

~ Craig Constantine

I’m using this project to take a deep dive at all the little intricacies and practices that I can put into my communication, Craig puts into his, and we hope we inspire other people to put into theirs.

~ Jesse Danger

The question of how to spend your own time is always really tricky. I think that the pieces are small enough that people will try them and then maybe it will start to feel like a comfortable space for thinking. I’m hoping it’s a cumulative effect that as you listen to them, you begin to understand how we’re thinking about conversation. And I think that it could be a place for you to reflect, that you can come back to.

~ Craig Constantine