James Hillman
The interview as form
Balancing observing and participating in a conversation Details that would have been lost in the blur of the experience, will stick in your mind and become mile markers. We shouldn’t rely on luck. When we find ourselves in a budding conversation, we must be intentional with what we are trying to create. I’m not suggesting… More →
Could you begin your next conversation from an unusual notion? We could sit back and hope that a conversation moves into the new, and surprises us with those reverberations Hillman mentions. Hoping isn’t good enough. All good conversation has some element of surprise because it’s interesting when we discover something new; it doesn’t matter whether… More →
Inter Views
Book Inter Views by James Hillman, 1998 — Inter Views is Hillman’s most biographical and self-revealing book with extraordinary, yet practical accounts of active imagination, writing, daily work, and symptoms in their relation to love. The book is also a radical deconstruction of the interview form itself, even though one reads along as if in a coffee conversation… More →