Hello, I’m Craig Constantine 👋
Welcome to Open + Curious.
I believe that great conversation requires true listening and genuine curiosity.
We talk with others every day, but how often do we intentionally practice the art of conversation?
I want to show you how to shift from simply having conversations, to actively creating better conversations.
I hope you will discover what “better” means for your conversations.
…and I promise to do my best to illuminate the art of conversation, without overwhelming you with information.
I promise to encourage you to reflect, so you can learn what works for you.
I promise to remain open-minded, to listen to your ideas and your challenges, and to let curiosity be our guide.
I appreciate your time and attention and I don’t take for granted.
Thanks for listening!
What is Open + Curious?
You talk with others every day, but how often do you intentionally practice the art of conversation? By sharing my thoughts here, I hope to ignite your passion for creating great conversations.
Open + Curious is about discovering what better means for your conversations. You can read, listen and discuss at, https://openandcurious.org/
Hello 👋 I’m Craig Constantine.
My mission is creating better conversations to spread understanding and compassion. And Movers Mindset is one of the things I do in service of my mission. Drop by https://craigconstantine.com/ for my weekly email, my other podcasts, writing and more.