How do you end?

Open + Curious
Open + Curious
How do you end?

How can you effectively and gracefully end a conversation while maintaining its value and mutual appreciation?

Understand the balance between leaving a conversation fulfilled and seeking more.

“I know I didn’t even try to get everything [from a conversation] because I know I can’t get everything. So it’s somehow finding a balance between: “Okay, my cup is full. I should really move away and just revel in what I have.” Finding a balance between that, and just going to the well until the cup comes up empty. I think that’s probably the compass for how to find a good ending.” ~ Craig Constantine (4:25)

Craig and Jesse discuss the complexities of ending conversations, beginning with the idea that most conversations naturally conclude due to external factors like time constraints. Craig notes that in many casual interactions, such as those at events or in public spaces, the end is often dictated by circumstances rather than a conscious decision.

Episode notes and resources: How do you end?


What is Open + Curious?

You talk with others every day, but how often do you intentionally practice the art of conversation? By sharing my thoughts here, I hope to ignite your passion for creating great conversations.

Open + Curious is about discovering what better means for your conversations. You can read, listen and discuss at,

Hello 👋 I’m Craig Constantine.

My mission is creating better conversations to spread understanding and compassion. And Movers Mindset is one of the things I do in service of my mission. Drop by for my weekly email, my other podcasts, writing and more.