Craig Constantine
Power of vistas
Encountering vistas changes us. ” “What do we want to create together?” presents a vista. We figuratively stand here and now with our partner, and we look forward to the future.” We can change ourselves and our partners in conversation by presenting a vista. Read the article… More →
The power of vistas
Encountering vistas changes us. “What do we want to create together?” presents a vista. We figuratively stand here and now with our partner, and we look forward to the future. Physically encountering vistas changes us. We shift the direction we are facing, and at what distance our eyes are focused. We take a deep breath,… More →
Book Community by Peter Block, 2018 — As a response to the increasing violence in our culture, the widening ideological divides, and the growing gap in economic well-being, there is greater awareness that a deeper sense of community is desperately needed. But even as we acknowledge the need to build community, the dominant on-the-ground practices about how… More →
Generous silence
Silence can be an active process of giving. “When we choose silence, we’re giving the other person our own time to process their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without feeling rushed or judged.” Silence is not simply waiting to speak; it can be an active process of giving. There is so much that can be conveyed… More →
Generous silence
Silence can be an active process of giving. When we choose silence, we’re giving the other person our own time to process their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without feeling rushed or judged. Silence is not simply waiting to speak; it can be an active process of giving. There is so much that can be conveyed… More →
Normal conversations too
Getting better at conversation is not just for special conversations. “My goal is simply to make every conversation I have better than yesteryear-me would have done with it.” To improve, we have to decide first how we’d like our conversations to be different. Improving our (and those we converse with’s) sense of connection is a… More →
Normal conversations too
Getting better at conversation is not just for special conversations. My goal is simply to make every conversation I have better than yesteryear-me would have done with it. To improve, we have to decide first how we’d like our conversations to be different. Improving our (and those we converse with’s) sense of connection is a… More →
Profound silence
How do we decide which silences to fill? “We should sit with the silence for a few beats when we find ourselves admiring something profound. Profound silence is too rare.” It’s important to understand what’s appearing in our conversation as it happens. We can have a flow of thought between us, or we can have… More →
Profound silence
How do we decide which silences to fill? We should sit with the silence for a few beats when we find ourselves admiring something profound. Profound silence is too rare. It’s important to understand what’s appearing in our conversation as it happens. We can have a flow of thought between us, or we can have… More →
What is Open + Curious
Hello, I’m Craig Constantine 👋 Welcome to Open + Curious. I believe that great conversation requires true listening and genuine curiosity. We talk with others every day, but how often do we intentionally practice the art of conversation? I want to show you how to shift from simply having conversations, to actively creating better conversations. I… More →