Books, podcast episodes, videos, etc. which are good resources on the art of conversation.
Dialogue: The Art of Thinking Together
Book Dialogue: The art of thinking together by William Isaacs, 1999 — Dialogue provides practical guidelines for one of the essential elements of true partnership–learning how to talk together in honest and effective ways. Reveals how problems between managers and employees, and between companies or divisions within a larger corporation, stem from an inability to conduct a… More →
Before You Say Anything
Book Before You Say Anything by Angie Flynn-McIver, 2021 — We have all had those moments that haunt us in the wee hours of the night: the times we could have spoken up and didn’t, and the times we spoke up and it went badly. It can feel like those experiences are inevitable, but communication coach Angie… More →
Book Community by Peter Block, 2018 — As a response to the increasing violence in our culture, the widening ideological divides, and the growing gap in economic well-being, there is greater awareness that a deeper sense of community is desperately needed. But even as we acknowledge the need to build community, the dominant on-the-ground practices about how… More →
The Advice Trap
Book The Advice Trap by Michael Bungay Stanier, 2020 — The Advice Trap is about getting to grips with how to actually change your behaviour so you stay curious a little bit longer. It sounds like it should be easy, but it’s not. You have to tame your Advice Monster, that part of you that jumps in… More →