Generous silence

Open + Curious
Open + Curious
Generous silence

Silence can be an active process of giving.

“When we choose silence, we’re giving the other person our own time to process their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without feeling rushed or judged.”

Silence is not simply waiting to speak; it can be an active process of giving. There is so much that can be conveyed by silence, and yet so many of us blow right past the opportunities. At a time when many are in need of personal connection, we’re still filling up too many chances for silence in which to grow.

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What is Open + Curious?

You talk with others every day, but how often do you intentionally practice the art of conversation? By sharing my thoughts here, I hope to ignite your passion for creating great conversations.

Open + Curious is about discovering what better means for your conversations. You can read, listen and discuss at,

Hello 👋 I’m Craig Constantine. My mission is creating better conversations to spread understanding and compassion. I want us to go from simply having conversations, to actively creating better conversations.

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