Hearing multiple things (preview)

Open + Curious
Open + Curious
Hearing multiple things (preview)

Craig Constantine and Jesse Danger explore navigating multiple topics gracefully, leveraging listening as a tool, and the nuanced dance of giving and receiving information.

Hello, I’m craig Constantine 👋

Are you looking for ways to bring conversation alive?

…then the Open + Curious podcast is for you.

In each 15-minute episode we begin with a question, and work our way to a challenge. Some questions we explore have clear answers, and some lead to more questions and further unknowns.

The challenge we seek to find, at the end of each episode, is meant to help you explore each question on your own.

To purchase the Open + Curious podcast episodes, head to https://openandcurious.supercast.com/

Once purchased, all of the podcast episodes appear and play just as you expect, in your favorite podcast player.

Questions? Comments?

Want to rant or rave?

…send an email to craig@openandcurious.org

As always, I appreciate your time and attention, and I don’t take it for granted.

