William Isaacs
Thinking together
What if thinking could be done with others? The theory of dialog suggests that these situations reflect a series of problems in how we think, for we have learned to think alone. And what I mean here by “thinking” involves the whole of us—our emotions, our ways of feeling in the body, our ideas, and… More →
Inward versus outward
Looking outward to do your inward work We must be able to think about any idea without it breaking our ability to think. Choice is at the center of everything. It’s important that we ask ourselves why we are conversing. It’d be great if we could always do that in advance, but we can settle… More →
Once awakened
What role does dialogue play in fostering a sense of connection and transformation within individuals and communities? Can dialogue itself be more important than the decisions it leads to? This article is based on the episode Once awakened from the Open + Curious podcast as part of a short series on Bringing conversation alive. In… More →
Our common desire for understanding We must bootstrap our self-awareness and use that to work on our humility and curiosity. Everyone wants to be better understood. I know I do. You know you do, and from you and I it’s easy to extrapolate to saying “everyone.” But don’t take my word for it, ask people.… More →
Diving deep
Preparation and practice before the dive lead to better outcomes Are we envisioning play and the joy of discovery, or work and struggle? Our ability to go deep depends on our preparation. In the moment before the dive, of course, it matters how much energy we are expecting to need. It also matters how and… More →
An actions-based perspective When something feels off, we can consider which roles are present in the moment. Am I being a mover, and my guest a follower? Or are they perhaps being an opposer? During a conversation we sometimes sense that it could be better. We might be aware that we are confused, disappointed, or… More →
Dialogue: The Art of Thinking Together
Book Dialogue: The art of thinking together by William Isaacs, 1999 — Dialogue provides practical guidelines for one of the essential elements of true partnership–learning how to talk together in honest and effective ways. Reveals how problems between managers and employees, and between companies or divisions within a larger corporation, stem from an inability to conduct a… More →